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Online Consultation

I now offer online Holistic consultations for my patients or potential patients that do not have the time to come and see me. 

There are two ways:

-  via skype; or

-  via Video Call.


-  R 450 for 20 minutes

-  R 650 for 40 minutes

Once the patient has decided on the preferred method of the consultation, the patient must submit details for an Invoice and submit payment (direct deposit or EFT (with IIP), or click on the Service Page, select the online service and then choose a payment option.

Once the payment reflects in my account, a Questionnaire will get e-mailed to the patient, which the patient must complete and e-mail back to me and from there we will continue with a scheduled consultation.

One of the most commonly asked questions I get:
-  Will my insurance cover this?  Unfortunately, the answer is:  No.

To help patients with this, I really try to impart the importance of the fact that you can not rely on your health insurance for your health.  If you do, you will be limited to what type of care you will receive, i.e. medications and surgery. However that doesn’t mean Functional Medicine is not accessible to the everyday person, quite the opposite actually.

I will work with you to get you the best, most affordable plan.  I do everything I can to make sure that the Treatment Protocol is accessible and available to everyone!

My patients are normal everyday people who want to get healthy!  Teachers, Lawyers, Business Entrepreneurs and other people who work hard everyday, but see their health declining.  Also, retired people who have worked their whole lives to enjoy the “golden years” but are on a laundry list of medications and their health is declining.

People now see how the standard model of care fails them. They see the limitations of being on prescribed medications or waiting for things to get worse to get surgeries. This isn’t health care, it is sick care.  My goal is to restore health and find the underlying root causes of the health issues.

Insurance is important for emergency crisis care. I realize it is a necessary part of most people’s lives, but the reality of it is, insurance is not going to pay to get you well.  For chronic healthcare, insurance is all but pointless. It will cover medications, if even those. I hear the phrase “doughnut hole” on a regular basis.

People are thousands of dollars / rands in debt, from medications that are not designed to heal and grow in amounts, as time goes on. Relying on an industry that is not designed to heal, is setting yourself up to stay sick. To some this may seem harsh, but sadly, it is true.

I take my patient’s health very seriously and want them to do the same!  I want to speak life over the health conditions you are dealing with or what your loved ones may be going through. There is no time like the present to take control of your health and either start or continue your journey into health!

If you want me to be a part of that, I am happy to see if I can help you.


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